Haze Gaze
performance by Silvana Ivaldi
16 NOV — thu, 
Centro Cultural de Lagos
tickets: 5€ (+discounts)

Haze Gaze is the second part of a project that results from a free appropriation of Silvana Ivaldi’s concept of Dante Alighier’s The Divine Comedy and its universe. After Dolce Still Nuovo, which was on Hell, comes Haze Gaze, which is on Purgatory.

The pleasure principle: o Purgatório é o axioma. All composing lies there. Let me call this impulse hiding. I’m obsessed with myself. These ambiguous zones make me obsessed with myself. I witnessed an intense and passionate conversation. Perception always has an element of deception. There’s something rather irksome but also delicious about that, you say with a glint in your eye. Aren’t you obsessed with yourself? Great crimes are committed before mirrors; no one is ever the wiser. Et nous vivions de l'air du temps. Made in made. Your gaze is haze too. I take it that what finds partial expression in the various radical disruptions of academic ideals is sometimes a desire for a real Dionysian chaos. Até quando posso ficar contigo? I guess something like this needed to be said. Perhaps not so drunkenly. E tira forte il vento.

This text is an assemblage of Silvana Ivaldi from: Silvana Ivaldi, Madeline Gins, McKenzie Wark, Kenneth Goldsmith, Charles Aznavour, James Elkins, Kathy Acker e Raffaele Sacco.

creation, dramaturgy and performance
Silvana Ivaldi

sound design and performance
Bruno Pereira 

light operation and performance
Lui L'Abbate 

light design
Vera Martins 

Pedro Barreiro, Ricardo B. Marques e Silvana Ivaldi 

voice texto 1
Ann Liv Young aka Sherry 

creation and dramaturgy support
Pedro Barreiro 

movement support
Joana Castro

promotional image
Tatiana Saavedra

scene photographs
Alípio Padilha

Mafalda Miranda Jacinto

co-production residency
O Espaço do Tempo

Rua das Gaivotas 6 / Teatro Praga, Cão Solteiro, residências 120, Ajidanha, UMCOLETIVO, Teatro Ibisco, Estúdios Victor Córdon. 

financed by
República Portuguesa - Cultura I DGARTES – Direção-Geral das Arte

60 min. 


Silvana Ivaldi

Silvana Ivaldi (Bordighera, 1987) explores the heterogeneous nature of her work to reflect on, investigate and create poetic forms through visible performative and spectacular means. She is a creator, performer and costume and graphic designer. She lived and worked from 2011 to 2014 in São Paulo, Brazil. In recent years, she has worked regularly on theatre and performative creations. She founded the Sr. João and Activo Tóxico cultural associations and works regu- larly with them. She is an associate member of Cão Solteiro.

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