Coreografia em Sala de Aula
performance by João dos Santos Martins
9h30 / 11h30
Primary schools of Lagos

A few centuries ago, someone decided to invent a way to write a dance down on paper so that other people could learn it by heart. Dance therefore becomes a drawing and in a language that could be read and then passed onto another person’s body.
From body to paper, from paper to body. It was like a way ‘to dance’ a language and ‘to speak’ a dance, without really understanding where one started and the other began. Coreografia em Sala de Aula is a version of Coreografia, a piece by João dos Santos Martins for a classroom.

João dos Santos Martins

Adriano Vicente

Materiais Diversos

executive production and administrarion
Lysandra Domingues e Sofia Lopes/Associação Parasita

Associação Parasita e Association Mi-Maï

Alkantara, Associação Parasita, Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Materiais Diversos

artistic residencies

Espaço Alkantara, Centro Cultural Malaposta, Estúdios Victor Córdon, 23 Milhas - Ílhavo

Sandra Gorete Coelho, Materiais Diversos

Co-presentation project Gymnasium / casaBranca.

40 min.


João dos Santos Martins (Santarem, 1989) articulates practices ranging from choreographic creations, usually developed in collaborative processes, to dance performances with artists such as Moriah Evans, Xavier Le Roy, Eszter Salamon and Ana Rita Teodoro, among others. His interest in history of dance genealogies, processes of transmission and the association between practice and discourse has led him to create a device, together with Ana Bigotte Vieira, that draws a collective map of dance in Portugal — Para uma Timeline a Haver — and also to start a half-yearly newspaper— Coreia — devoted to texts by artists and about the arts.
He occasionally works as a curator.

Adriano Vicente (Lisbon, 1991) is a dancer and performer. He began to train as a dancer in 2007 at Quorum Academy, and took part in several performances promoted by the academy. In 2013, he started the PEPCC course at Forum Dança in Lisbon, which he left to join P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels and studied there for 3 years. In 2016, he performed in Dawn, a play by Marten Spanberg created for the Impulstanz Festival in Viena. Since then, he has collaborated on different projects such as Louisianna and The Olympics by Nikima Jagudajev, 2018 by André e. Teodósio and Xtraordinário at Teatro Praga. Apart from these, he has also worked with DJ Audiopath on a project that tries to bring together electronic music, dance and body.

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