performance by Volmir Cordeiro
9 NOV — sat,
Armazém Regimental de Lagos
Free admission

Outrar means to become someone else. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Brazilian choreographer, Lia Rodrigues, extended her company’s work to artists residing in Europe. She wrote to them and proposed developing artistic dialogues with a soundtrack and 27 videos made by members of her company. Pedra Dura will receive Volmir Cordeiro’s choreography which dialogues with this proposal. In Outrar, a quantity of gestures and layers get going in which joy is reduced by a sort of overflow: too many faces, too many colours, too much pain.


choreography and performance
Volmir Cordeiro

creation assistance
Bruno Pace

project design
Lia Rodrigues

in close collaboration with her company's artists
Amalia Lima, Leonardo Nunes, Carolina Repetto, Valentina Fittipaldi, Andrey Silva, Larissa Lima and Ricardo Xavier

soundtrack and interpretation
Zeca Assumpção, Henk Zwart, Mendel, Grupo Cadeira (Inês Assumpção, Jorge Potyguara, Miguel Bevilacqua, Henrique Rabello) and from ‘Authentic South America 5, The Amazônia’

editing and mixing
Alexandre Seabra


Cie Donna Volcan Produção

duration 30 min.


Volmir Cordeiro (Brazil, 1987) holds a doctorate in dance from Paris 8 University. He initially studied theatre before working with Brazilian choreographers Alejandro Ahmed, Cristina Moura and Lia Rodrigues. In 2011, he joined the “Essais” programme at the National Centre for Contemporary Dance (CDNC) in Angers, under the direction of Emmanuelle Huynh, where he obtained a masters in performance and choreography. In Europe he has performed in productions by Xavier Le Roy, Laurent Pichaud & Rémy Héritier, Emmanuelle Huynh, Jocelyn Cottencin, Vera Mantero, Zeena Parkings & Nadia Lauro and Latifa Laâbissi. As a choreographer, his first cycle was composed of three solo works. Currently, he presents his pieces at several international festivals. His company Donna Volcan takes the notion of the volcano, which combines earth, air, fire and vital force, as the basis for creation. In 2021, Cordeiro won the SACD Society of Author’s prize for young choreographers.

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